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Eight 2 hour lessons are conducted to equip students with the practical skills that will be required of them once they are in Cambodia.


Cultural workshops are also conducted so that student can understand more about Cambodian Culture.

Solar Power Station

The computing team head to Cambodia each year to bring aid to Silk Island and other places in Cambodia.


Students provide solar power to poor families, involving building the panels themselves and wire up homes with basic electrical appliances


Students build a learning centre and computing lab for a local Cambodian school on the Island and the village, PolyU students also design the learning resources with the aim of teaching the local children about science and engineering.


Through doing service, educational opportunities could be provided to all of the parties involved. Students could gain practical knowledge in the actual building of solar panels and student can enhance their teamwork and communication skills.


In the long run, we hope to cultivate a sense of social responsibility and encourage students to try something new and get out of comfort zone.


Interviews are conducted at the start of academic year to allocate them.

Students can have preferences when it comes to which projects they undertake

On site service is provided.




On- site Service

How to Join Our Projects?

What We Do?

With the collaboration with the our NGO partners Young People Do, the villagers had to go to a specific location to charge their devices and they rely heavily on kerosene lamps as their source of light which are more costly and damaging to the environment and less effective light sources



Install LED lights in the houses that are approved by the village


Install solar panel charging station nearby their home


Provide the families with the opportunity to work in the evenng when the climate is more agreeable, which is economically advantages of having this facility.



Places For Installation

- Kampong Speu, 2017

- Silk Island, 2016
- Silk Island, 2015

2015 - 2017
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