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For students: To motivate students from both Hong Kong and Cambodia to learn more about technology and engineering, at the same time, the project nurture students' sense of civic and professional responsibility


For the Cambodian children: A step closer to a worldly education and a chance for them to learn
more about their culture and other culture


Project Description


20-foot-long empty recycled shipping containers were transformed into a learning library. This library, placed on the playground in a local school, have greatly improved the educational facilities of the school. We anticipate that this community learning center will also provide a platform for the local people and enhance the cohesion of the community.


The “Technology Beyond Borders” team converted the container into a library, students also installed solar power facilities for the container and the library is stocked with the English books and Khmer literature. Additionally, they constructed a water storage and rainwater collection system for the newly-built library so that local children can have access to purified water to clean their hand and foot and at the same time students were taught about hygienic practices.

Self-Learning Center

The following are some photo of the library in Kampong Speu, Cambodia in 2017.




Library in Phnom Penh,2016

2016 - 2017
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